
God's Two-Fold Plan and Purpose:

We believe that the Bible sets forth the fact that God is working out a two-fold plan and purpose. One aspect of His plan and purpose centers around the nation of Israel.

The other aspect of His plan and purpose centers around the new creature, the one new man, the church the body of Christ, which God is now forming in this present dispensation of Gentile grace.

To rightly divide the word of truth means to properly handle the Bible by recognizing and making the division in it that needs to be made because of Gods different programs.

This two-fold plan and purpose of God was hid from the 12 Apostles and from Satan, himself. It was revealed to the Apostle Paul, by our risen Saviour Jesus Christ, Romans 16:25,26.

Satan's purpose, today, is to keep this two-fold plan and purpose of God, hid from professing Christianity. This is why only a few preach Christ according to the revelation of the mystery, Romans 16:25,26.

The lost person, today, needs to be told to begin their bible reading in Romans chapter 1.
Since God gave us His word, it would stand to reason that He would give us His plan to read it...

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