Brink of Suicide

A Homosexual's Testimony

Daily Rightly Divided teaching - Jan 16/2022 - P Ruckman's Attack on my beliefs 1   2   3
Sunday Message - Confess w/ mouth lie / Feb 6/2022 Previous Teachings here

Suicide is not the answer.

Trusting Jesus Christ unto salvation is...

Whether you are gay or straight, realize your sinful condition before God, and trust Christ's payment for all your sins, He has done on your behalf.

If you want to comment, you can do so on my You Tube video "My Homosexuality Turned Me to God for Salvation. I could never accept being gay".

Today, where i live, a gay can't even talk to another gay about God without getting blasted for hate speech. But one can see why hate speech laws against gays was brought in. For years gays have been condemned by the churches, causing gays to turn from God and His word, and many gays committing suicide, and were never ever given any glad tidings of good things! (good news) of the gospel that might bring them to repentance (a change of mind about God, Jesus Christ, and His word) and to salvation in Christ.

I am one of those who almost took my life because of christians telling me how a horrible sinner i was, and i was going to hell because of my homosexuality. But not one so called christian could tell me the truth of what i could do about. I will deal with all this further on, on my website here, so stay tuned. I doubt if most will like it...and probably turn away.

enjoythebible (34K)

King James Bible

I use only the King James Bible, Pure Cambridge Edition

cambridge1 (12K)

Online KJB
My Beliefs are:

MidActs Paul-Line Dispensational Rightly Divided from God's perfectly preserved word, without error, from the King James Bible, 1769 Edition

II Timothy 2:15 (KJB) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

- this verse means to put bible truths in there proper time slot, which most do not do, which produces a false gospel, by most, that is being proclaimed today.

The Testimony of Christ Confirmed In Me

My coming to Christ, for Salvation

I was sexually abused at 8 and 13 yrs old, (Child Sexual Abuse) a homosexual by 13 yrs old, and at the brink of suicide, I believed in Jesus, after putting my faith in His shed blood for all my sins, being fully persuaded, and this ALONE...and i was saved.

I had already been beaten down, mentally for years, because i was gay. The thought of suicide had crossed my mind a few times, but never so strong as when i watched this one preacher. This preacher was talking about homosexuality, and when he pointed straight at me and told me i was a sinner on the way to Hell, all hell broke loose for me. I felt i had a death sentence put on me, and was so troubled, that this finally led me to the brink of suicide. So, what was I going to do? Turn from my homosexuality and sin??? No! This was impossible for me... I trusted the only Person that could save me, and that is our Saviour, Jesus Christ. He paid my sin debt on Calvary's Cross. Christ took my place, shed His Blood, paying my death penalty for ALL my past, present, and future, sins. Please, trust Christ, believe on Christ, and put your faith on Christ, for the work He done on your behalf, and you will be saved for all eternity.    My Story

So, now, what motivates me to stop sinning, and to live for Christ, which i fail at a lot? My love for Christ and what He done on my behalf on Calvary's Cross!! )

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new", 2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJB) This passage does not mean your old sinful life has passed away. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJB) It means that God does not impute (charge) sin, 2 Cor 5:19, to you anymore, and has completely forgiven you, all because of Christ's finished work on the cross, and that now there is no law, works, or performance, (like water baptism) required on your part.

We are to be ambassadors for Christ, 2 Cor see souls saved and edify one another. This is the will of God for us today.

You do not need to take your life. Christ can give you hope! How? Trust Him and no matter what wrong you have done or will do, Christ will still one day bring you home to live with HIM for all eternity. Christ's love for you is perfect! Why not give Jesus Christ a chance? Christ gave me hope and continues to give me hope!

mesaved (64K)

God's word broke the grip

homosexuality had on my life

(I don't know why this has never caught on with anyone.
I almost took my live trying to find out why i was gay...and i got the answer from God's word.
I wasn't born gay. God never made me gay. I never made an outright choice to be gay.
The reason i'm gay is because my lust is bent towards homosexuality, maybe tho it was because of sexual abuse i recieved, i don't know).

How God broke the grip, homosexuality had on my life, just before i was
about to take my life, from severe conviction of my sin of homosexuality: (photo below). I know this might not be to popular.

broke (68K)

My anger directed to

so called christianity

I cannot put it any clearer than this!!

Professing christianity loves to condemn gays (just go back over the years and pick out all the condemnation of gay, messages, made) but hardly ANY ever had the gospel pronounced that would save the gays soul.

(But get this...most of professing christianity doesn't even know what the gospel that saves a homosexual's soul, is. So they should just all SHUT UP!!)

And you wonder why it's almost impossible to reach any homosexuals today!

I believe God is going to have a special judgement for all of you who hate gays this much!

gaysuicide (92K)

Right teachings on 1 Corinthains 6:9.10,11...which most know nothing about:

Teaching 1: by Trey     Teaching 2: by Terence     Teaching 3: by Justin

One last thing...I have no more problems with these clobber verses since i am saved by God's grace gospel, and learned to rightly divide the word of truth, 2 Timothy 2:15, in this the dispensation of God's i did before i got saved.

When saved under God's grace, you know that these verses can remain just as they are, and no need to be changed or explained away, like so many, like Matthew Vines, are doing today.

clobber (80K)

I follow the Apostle Paul as he followed Christ, because: (1 Cor 4:16 KJB)

paulsdoctrine (73K)

To those who teach repentance means to 'turn from sin', or 'turn and burn', and teach not that repentance means a 'change of mind', does nothing but take the poor lost souls eyes off of Christ's finished work on the cross and this alone for their salvation, and forces them to put their eyes on themselves, making the cross of Christ of none effect, and damning their souls to hell!
1 Corinthians 1:17.18 KJB

whydidu (27K)

Gospel of Our Salvation:

We are the sinner, found guilty in God's sight, and bound for hell, when we die. Then we will be raised again and stand before God at the great white throne judgment. We will be judged, found guilty and sentenced and cast into a burning lake of fire for all eternity. There is absolutely nothing we can do to save ourselves. Romans 1:18 to 3:20.

Some One has to do it for us. That some One, is Jesus Christ our Saviour.

WE are saved, or, justified in God's sight, ONLY when we believe in Jesus, AFTER putting our faith in the blood, which Christ shed for all of our past, present and future sins, of which Christ has already done, on our behalf. Romans 3:21 to 28.

Unsaved people are under Satan's control until they see the light of the glorious Gospel, which is believing in Jesus, after putting their faith in the blood, and being fully persuaded , as Abraham was, that God will do exactly what He has promised. Romans 4:21

Romans 3:24,25,26,28 24. Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25. Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26. To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 28. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

godbelievessm (18K)

How did i get:

assurance (28K)

This gospel of God's grace message preached (link below), is the message that gave me full assurance of my salvation.
I do not believe that one can listen to this message and come away without realizing that there is absolutely not one thing you can do to save yourself. Christ had to do it all for you! Oh, how i wish this message could get thru to you...

The Gospel Message: Watch and Listen here

Videos for our learning:

Sexual and Physically Abused

Sometimes, Give a Homosexual a Break! because you may not know what they may have gone thru in their severe sex and physical abuse.

Visit my Odysee Site

onealreadydieda (75K)

Christianity Actually Keeps Gays From Coming to God
Click on photo to hear message.

comigtogod (41K)

Me - Barrie Chandler - the author of this site, including my testimony, and experiences as a gay who came to Christ for salvation. I hope you enjoy the site and better yet, get saved!

You can email me and tell me how much you love and enjoy this site. Ya, i'm being a bit sarcastic. I think most will disagree with just about everything i posted on my site, here.

Sept 27/2021
unnamed (9K)

Online Gospel Radio

playersm (7K)


Turn and run hard from those who teach 'repentance' means to 'turn from sin'!! These false bible teachers are dangerous because they come as 'angels of light' but are actually 'ministers of Satan'!! 2 Cor 11:13,14,15 KJB

First, what repentance is NOT. Repentance is not "turning from sin", or "turn or? burn", or "repent of your sins".

Here are 7 verses of scripture that shows that to "repent" means one thing, and to "turn" means another thing: Exodus 13:17, Exodus 32:12, Jeremiah 4:28, Jeremiah 31:19, Ezekiel 14:6, Ezekiel 18:30, Jonah 3:9 (KJB)

So, what does it mean to "repent"? To repent means to 'change your mind' about God, His word, and Jesus Christ!

It means that you acknowledge that you are lost, your are a sinner, and now you want to be saved for all eternity, and have the eternal security that goes with it. You want to be saved. You want to be right with God.

Then, once you have repented, (changed your mind) you then trust, believe, put your faith in, Christ, after putting your faith in what Christ has already done for you on Calvary's Cross. Christ shed His blood for ALL your sin, past, present, and future sins. He took care of it all. You are forgiven of ALL sin, and all you have to do is believe in Jesus, and thou shalt be saved!

You want to know where to go in the bible for salvation. Romans 3:24,25,26, is where to go.

Before i leave, i'll leave you with this one thought, in case a homosexual stops by:

There's something in common between the Gay "Christian" and the Christian who is Gay (like me), and the Gay, who wants nothing to do with God, at all.

ALL sins of ALL people have been taken care of on the Cross. Jesus paid it all, for ALL!

The question is, are YOU (meaning all who read this) going to believe and trust Christ, after you put your faith in His blood, He shed for all your sins, which He has done on your behalf...being fully persuaded?

If your answer is "yes", your going to heaven. If "no" your going to...Hell ;(

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